Hospitality Management & Co-op (Diploma) | Canadian College

Hospitality Management & Co-op (Diploma) 飯店管理有薪實習文憑


Students successfully completing this program can transfer a block of 60 credits towards the Bachelor of Tourism Management.

*Conditions apply. Please click HERE for details


  • 加拿大學院飯店管理有薪實習文憑
  • 北美飯店業管理協會AHLEI 頒發的飯店管理文憑
  • 北美飯店業管理協會(AHLEI)頒發的證書: 房務管理證書,飯店行銷和銷售證書,飯店營運證書,飯店概論證書


  • High school diploma/completion certificate or equivalent. If the applicant has not completed secondary school and is at least 19 years of age, they may apply as a mature student. 
  • English Language Requirements

Start dates:

Apr 07
Jul 07
Oct 06
Jan 05
Apr 06
Jul 06
Oct 05
Jan 04
104 Weeks (2000 Hours, 24 Months)
12 months work experience
AHLEI Diploma

*This program has been approved by the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.

*This program does not lead to an occupation that is regulated.

Program Sequence Options

Year One

Semester 1


12 weeks

Semester 2


12 weeks

Semester 3


12 weeks

Semester 4


12 weeks

Year Two

Semester 5


12 weeks

Semester 6


12 weeks

Semester 7


12 weeks

Semester 8


12 weeks

Year One

Semester 1


12 weeks

Semester 2


12 weeks

Semester 3


12 weeks

Semester 4


12 weeks

Year Two

Semester 5


12 weeks

Semester 6


12 weeks

Semester 7


12 weeks

Semester 8


12 weeks

Year One

Semester 1


12 weeks

Semester 2


12 weeks

Semester 3


12 weeks

Semester 4


12 weeks

Year Two

Semester 5


12 weeks

Semester 6


12 weeks

Semester 7


12 weeks

Semester 8


12 weeks

Note: Each Semester is 12 weeks long, and there is a 1-week holiday after each semester.



Co-op 有薪實習


學生完成首次六個月(500小時)的有薪實習後,會在進行第二次的六個月有薪實習(500小時) 前返回學院上課 (共250小時的學習時間),在完成兩次的有薪實習後,學生會返校做最後一期的學習(共250小時),畢業並將其所學和當地工作經驗帶回國,為自己未來職涯發展加分


飯店業是一個快速增長的市場,面向服務領域的所有部門,工作機會以及薪水都在穩步增長。 學生將學習飯店行業專業人員認為在工作中至關重要的知識和技能。 完成加拿大學院飯店管理文憑和AHLEI證書課程後,通常會在熟練的入門級職位上獲得工作,從而取得管理職位。

  • 飯店
  • 食品服務
  • 旅遊業
  • 活動管理
  • 渡假村管理
  • Guest Services Supervisor/Manager
  • Conference and Banquet Supervisor/Manager

Career Services at Canadian College

Our goal is to help the students at Canadian College gain the skills needed to be competitive in Canada’s job market and gain real world career experience. We pride ourselves in providing student centric support to help meet each individual’s specific goals. Please contact one of our advisors anytime for questions and support.


COMM 140 - Communications 商業溝通概論


HOSP 103 - Hospitality Today - An introduction 當代飯店產業簡介

AHLEI 課程:課程不斷更新去反映飯店業當前關注的安全問題。 此第三版本介紹了與飯店工作場所風險管理相關的最佳實踐和指南。 內容從更廣泛,更全局的角度探討了這些問題,並著重於識別和調解各種安全和保安問題。 主題包括:住宿業的安全和保障,預防損失的法律方面,客房安全設備,住宿安全設備,涵蓋客人關注的安全程序,客人和資產的部門職責,保護,緊急管理和媒體關係,資金保護, 員工安全,保險和風險管理。

HOSP 241 - Food and Beverage Management 餐飲管理

AHLEI 課程:學生學習在餐飲管理中做出明智決策所需的基礎。 課程探討食品和飲料運營如何適應其他行業的管理和運營策略,如何在保持或提高質量標準的同時降低成本,以及如何利用高科技策略為客戶帶來更大價值的運營方法。

HOSP 250 - Supervision in the Hospitality Industry 飯店產業監督

AHLEI 課程:課程旨在向學生介紹有效溝通,監督職責,員工訓練和培訓,管理生產力和控制人力成本,評估和指導,培訓,特殊監督,組成團隊和透過領導力去激勵員工,管理衝突,時間管理和改變管理。

HOSP 333 - Managing Front Office Operations 前台營運管理

AHLEI 課程:技術在包括電子商務在內的前台運營中日益重要的角色。課程還概述了在技術失敗且不得不依靠人工操作時應採取的措施的策略和行動步驟。

HOSP 338 - Housekeeping Management 房務清潔管理

AHLEI 課程:旨在為學生提供適用於飯店業的房務清潔管理原理。

HOSP 261 Basic Hotel Accounting 基礎飯店會計

AHLEI 課程:為了解飯店會計概念和程序,飯店財務數據的處理以及會計週期中產生財務報表的財務信息提供基礎。

HOSP 281 - Facility Management 設施管理

AHLEI 課程:為飯店管理人員和學生提供管理飯店或餐廳以及與工程和維護部門有效合作所需的訊息。 學生將學習如何簡化操作程序,如何在環境關注與客人滿意度之間取得平衡,以及如何與飯店工程人員進行有效溝通。

HOSP 346 - Managing Beverage Service 管理飲料服務

AHLEI 課程:本課程通過解釋飲料服務過程,描述飲料操作中常見的職位類型以及側重於啤酒,烈酒和葡萄酒等飲料,為飲料服務打下基礎。 本課程包括需負責任的酒精服務,監督技術和入門級飲料服務職位程序的說明。

HOSP 349 - Managing Service in Food and Beverage Operations 餐飲服務管理

AHLEI 課程:使學生對食品和飲料營運中的管理過程有基本的了解。 涵蓋了食品和飲料營運的所有面向,包括組織,行銷,菜單,成本和價格,生產,服務,安全和財務。

HOSP 357 - Managing Hospitality HR 飯店人力管理

AHLEI 課程:介紹了飯店業人力資源管理的系統方法。 學生將分析當代問題和做法,以及對人力管理方式有影響的勞動法。

HOSP 374 - Revenue Management 收入管理

AHLEI 課程:課程將使學生對收入管理過程有基本的了解。 它論述了收入管理在飯店運營中的正確使用和重要性,並描述了有效使用收入管理必須考慮的廣泛要素。

HOSP 387 - Security and Loss Prevention Management 安全和防損管理

AHLEI 課程:向學生全面介紹了組成飯店業的許多面相,並概述了當今的熱門問題,包括道德挑戰和管理方面的問題。 提供許多案例,展覽和統計數據使學生可以了解不斷變動的飯店領域。 課程反映了新的行業趨勢,管理實踐以及技術和社群媒體對待等不同方面的影響。 主題包括:精品/生活方式飯店,Airbnb,全球分銷系統,活動技術,情感勞動和網路廣告。

HOSP 464 - Planning & Control for Food & Beverage Operations 餐飲營運計劃與控制

AHLEI 課程:涵蓋有效的食品和飲料控制系統所涉及的原則和程序,包括標準確定,運營預算,成本-數量-利潤分析,收入和成本控制,菜單定價,預防盜竊,人工成本控制以及 銷售報告。

HOSP 468 - Managing Technology in the Hospitality Industry 飯店業技術管理

AHLEI 課程:向學生介紹與飯店業有關的技術的快速發展。 學生將學習預約系統,以及它們如何與特定物產中的所有部門結合在一起。 如何操作,選擇和使用其他軟件的方法,如何正確選擇供應商等。

HOSP 472 - Hospitality Sales & Marketing 飯店銷售和行銷

AHLEI 課程:在當今競爭激烈的飯店市場中,必須了解市場行銷和銷售知識。課程旨在為學生提飯店銷售和市場行銷背景。 課程重點是講述目標市場銷售的實用銷售技巧。

HOSP 478 - Convention Management 會議管理

AHLEI 課程:定義會議和團體業務市場的範圍和細分,描述吸引特定需求市場的行銷和銷售策略,並說明會議上和會議服務要求所需的技術。

PPD 100 - Success in the Classroom

This is a first semester course that provides students with the tools they need for academic success. The course offers skills to help students with the transition to post-secondary education, to help them learn how to be a successful student and to make the most of their learning experience.

PPD 150 - Success in the Workplace

This course focuses on preparing students for the Canadian workplace, either in their future career or the work-integrated learning component of their Canadian College program. Students will examine their own career goals as well as topics such as safety, time management, and critical thinking, in order to help them transition into and succeed within a Canadian work environment.

PPD 200 - Business Computers 1

This course is the first part of an introduction to the computer skills required in business today. It provides the student with an introduction to computer file management and Microsoft Word.

PPD 250 - Business Computers 2

This course will introduce and further develop Microsoft Excel skills that the student will need use in subsequent semesters and in the business world. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to prepare tables and graphs, use input fields, understand and be able to use Microsoft Excel insert functions and specialized functions. These functions include goal seeking, solver and data analysis.

PPD 300 - Managing Stress

This course explores practical strategies for managing stress in academic, personal, and professional life. Topics include mindfulness, time management, relaxation techniques, and emotional regulation. Students will develop skills to recognize stress triggers, build resilience, and enhance well-being, fostering a balanced approach to handling everyday pressures and challenges.

PPD 350 - Managing Personal Finances

This course provides foundational knowledge and practical skills for managing personal finances. Topics include budgeting, saving, investing, debt management, and financial planning. Students will learn how to make informed financial decisions, set financial goals, and build long-term wealth, preparing them for financial independence and stability.

PPD 400 - Canadian Culture & Diversity

This course explores the rich and diverse cultural landscape of Canada, examining its history, diversity and societal values. Topics include Indigenous cultures, French and English heritage, multiculturalism, and the role of culture in shaping national identity. Students will analyze how cultural expressions reflect and influence Canadian society.

PPD 450 - Career Development

This course provides students with tools and strategies necessary for effective career development. Topics include self-assessment, career exploration, resume and cover letter writing, job search strategies, and interview techniques. Students will learn to identify their strengths and interests, research potential career paths, and create actionable plans for professional growth. By the end of the course, students will have a clear roadmap for launching and advancing their careers, equipped with the confidence and skills to succeed in a competitive job market.

從以下課程選三門選修課 (依開課狀況)

COMM 502 - Speaking and Presenting 演講技巧


SMM 100 - Introduction to Digital Marketing 網路行銷概論


SMM 120 - Social Media Marketing 社群媒體行銷

課程向學生介紹社群媒體,將其作為不可或缺的行銷工具。 學生探索社群媒體用於在線品牌管理,客戶參與和業務增長的策略。

SMM 150 - Digital Analytics 數據分析

<需先修:SMM100> 課程向學生介紹網路行銷領域的數據分析基礎。 學生將學會衡量重要元素,超越數字本身,將數據轉化為訊息,做出明智的決策和策略。 此外,學生將使用Mimic Simulator進行模擬的數據行銷活動,並檢視每輪活動過程中所產生的分析結果。


Contact Sam to help you plan your studies.
