PROJ 405 - PM Fundamentals 專案管理概論
PROJ 410 - PM Budgets & Scheduling 專案管理預算和進度計劃
PROJ 415 - PM Leadership 專案領導
PROJ 420 - PM Risk Management 專案管理風險管理
ACCT 101 - Accounting 1 初級會計
ACCT 102 - Accounting 2 進階會計
課程為初級會計的延伸,更深的去探討會計領域並了解如何因應企業對會計的需求。深入研究資產負債表/平衡表上的特別項目,應收帳款、存貨、資本、 負債 、專用日記賬、帳簿的使用, 最後提到股份公司的介紹。所學將幫助學生應用到財務報表的編制,看到更深層問題,這些問題更突顯出會計在決策中的重要性。
BUS 100 - Business Math 商業數學
課程為商業數學的基礎原理。主題涵蓋商品數學 、單利、複利、年金、分期付款和成本產銷利潤分析。鼓勵學生將數學應用在常見的商業環境來增進自身的數學技能。無論先前的數學經驗如何,課程都將提高學習者使用數學解決問題的能力並為自己的職業和個人規劃做出明智決定。
BUS 105 - Small Business 小型企業
學生會學習到創業時所面臨的挑戰,主題包含小型企業、小型新創公司、資金來源、 市場可行性、併購小型企業和加盟連鎖的策略方針。 學生將開始發展財務管理、市場管理、營運、人力資源管理和一般小型企業管理方面的技能。其中寫商業計劃書business plan是一項重要的體驗練習。
BUS 130 - Operations Management 1 營運管理概論1
課程介紹營運管理者的職務內容,營運經理關心生產和交付公司的商品或服務所需的企劃,決策和行動,而不是去做產品行銷,管理人力資源或財務會計。幾乎所有企業都有營運經理- 製造 、服務 、政府 、營利性和非營利性機構。營運經理工作涉及公司內的許多部門,包括採購和供應鏈 、庫存管理 、質量管理 、排程 、運輸和物流以及第一線的監督等。
BUS 131 - Operations Management 2 進階營運管理
作為初級營運管理課程的延續,這門課程將繼續向學生介紹營運管理專業以及營運經理職涯發展的多元性。學生將更深入的了解到營運經理在企業(製造 、服務 、政府 、營利性和非營利性組織)中扮演的各種復雜角色。課程著重於營運經理為提升企業商品或服務效率和競爭力時所進行的分析和決策。課程研究領域包含流程管理策略、產量規劃、設計效率高的設備以及規劃不同級別的方案確保企業可以根據不同的客戶需求去生產和交付產品。
BUS 141 - Marketing 1 行銷 1
學生將會學習推廣產品和服務到不同的國際市場時,如何去適應和接受不同規範,法令,文化和顧客要求的差異性,去分析這樣的差異性是如何去影響價格、 產品設計、包裝、標籤、產品測試、和服務傳遞方式, 進而去規劃客製化的策略,這些是成為成功國際商業人士的重要基石。
BUS 230 - Human Resource Management 1 人力資源管理概論
BUS 231 - Human Resource Management 2 進階人力資源管理
這門進階課程使學生對人力資源的技術方面有所了解。主題包括績效評估、薪酬管理、現金獎勵機制、員工福利和服務、員工關係、工會/管理架構以及員工健康與安全。成功完成本課程和人力資源管理I(HRM 1200)且平均成績為B的學生將從安大略省人力資源專業人員協會獲得人力資源管理課程的學分。
ECON 120 - Economics 經濟學
課程講述宏觀經濟,主題包含經濟學原理: 機會成本、報酬遞減法則、市場價格、價格彈性、政府干預、貨幣等,學生也會學習到失業率、通貨膨脹、國內生產毛額和金融稳定政策。
COMM 140 - Communications 商業溝通概論
PPD 100 - Success in the Classroom
This is a first semester course that provides students with the tools they need for academic success. The course offers skills to help students with the transition to post-secondary education, to help them learn how to be a successful student and to make the most of their learning experience.
PPD 150 - Success in the Workplace
This course focuses on preparing students for the Canadian workplace, either in their future career or the work-integrated learning component of their Canadian College program. Students will examine their own career goals as well as topics such as safety, time management, and critical thinking, in order to help them transition into and succeed within a Canadian work environment.
PPD 200 - Business Computers 1
This course is the first part of an introduction to the computer skills required in business today. It provides the student with an introduction to computer file management and Microsoft Word.
PPD 250 - Business Computers 2
This course will introduce and further develop Microsoft Excel skills that the student will need use in subsequent semesters and in the business world. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to prepare tables and graphs, use input fields, understand and be able to use Microsoft Excel insert functions and specialized functions. These functions include goal seeking, solver and data analysis.
PPD 300 - Managing Stress
This course explores practical strategies for managing stress in academic, personal, and professional life. Topics include mindfulness, time management, relaxation techniques, and emotional regulation. Students will develop skills to recognize stress triggers, build resilience, and enhance well-being, fostering a balanced approach to handling everyday pressures and challenges.
PPD 350 - Managing Personal Finances
This course provides foundational knowledge and practical skills for managing personal finances. Topics include budgeting, saving, investing, debt management, and financial planning. Students will learn how to make informed financial decisions, set financial goals, and build long-term wealth, preparing them for financial independence and stability.
PPD 400 - Canadian Culture & Diversity
This course explores the rich and diverse cultural landscape of Canada, examining its history, diversity and societal values. Topics include Indigenous cultures, French and English heritage, multiculturalism, and the role of culture in shaping national identity. Students will analyze how cultural expressions reflect and influence Canadian society.
PPD 450 - Career Development
This course provides students with tools and strategies necessary for effective career development. Topics include self-assessment, career exploration, resume and cover letter writing, job search strategies, and interview techniques. Students will learn to identify their strengths and interests, research potential career paths, and create actionable plans for professional growth. By the end of the course, students will have a clear roadmap for launching and advancing their careers, equipped with the confidence and skills to succeed in a competitive job market.