Uluslararası Otelcilik Yönetimi (Sertifika) | Canadian College

Uluslararası Otelcilik Yönetimi (Sertifika)

Bu program, uluslararası kabul görmüş bir Otel Yönetimi belgesi isteyen öğrencilere yönelik olarak tasarlanmıştır. 12 haftadan uzun süren kurslarda; öğrencilere otelcilik sektöründeki işletme faaliyetlerini yönetmek için gereken bilgilerin kazandırılması hedeflenmektedir. Bu program American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) tarafından sertifikalanmıştır.

Program Avantajları

  • Canadian College International Hotel Management Certificate
  • AHLEI Hospitality Fundamentals Certificate (depending on the elective classes completed)

Kabul şartları

  • Lise diploması ve dengi
  • Öğrenciler başvuru için gereken dil koşullarından birini karşılamışlardır: Canadian College İngilizce yerleştirme sınavından 125, Smrt İngilizce sınavından 125, IELTS'ten 5.0 ve her bölüm için genel olarak en az 4.5 puan; TOEFL IBT 45, CAEL 40.

Start dates:

Jan 06
Apr 07
Jul 07
Oct 06
Jan 05
Apr 06
Jul 06
Oct 05
Jan 04
12weeks ( 300 Hours / 3 months)
AHLEI Certificate
*This program has been approved by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.


HOSP 103 - Hospitality Today - An introduction

AHLEI course: This course provides the students with a comprehensive introduction to the many entities that make up the hospitality industry, as well as an overview of today's hot issues, including ethical challenges and management concerns. Numerous examples, exhibits, and statistics give students an up-to-date look at the dynamic hospitality field. The course reflects new industry trends, management practices, and the effect of technology and social media on various aspects of hospitality. Topics include: boutique/lifestyle hotels, Airbnb, global distribution systems, event technology, emotional labor, and Internet advertising.

HOSP 241 - Yiyecek ve İçecek Yönetimi

In this course students can learn the foundation they need to make smart decisions in food and beverage operations. The course addresses ways in which food and beverage operations have adapted management and operating tactics from other industries, what operations are doing to maintain or improve quality standards while reducing expenses, and how high-tech strategies are being used to give customers greater value for their dining dollars.

HOSP 250 - Otelcilik Sektöründe Denetim

This Supervision in the Hospitality Industry course is designed to introduce students to the proper understanding of effective communication, supervisory responsibilities, orientation and training, managing productivity and controlling labor costs, evaluating and coaching, discipline, special supervisory concern, team-building , motivation through leadership, managing conflict, time management and managing change.

HOSP 333 - Ön Büro İşlemlerini Yönetme

AHLEI course: This course reflects the increased role of technology in front office operations, including e-commerce The course also outlines strategies and action steps for what to do when technology fails and you have to fall back on manual operations.

HOSP 338 - Kat Hizmetleri Yönetimi

AHLEI course: This course is designed to provide students with the principles of housekeeping management as they apply specifically to the hospitality industry.

Students must choose 1 of the following elective courses depending upon availability.

HOSP 261 Basic Hotel Accounting

AHLEI course: Provides a basis for understanding hospitality accounting concepts and procedures, the processing of hospitality financial data, and the flow of financial information in the accounting cycle that results in the production of financial statements.

HOSP 346 - İçecek Hizmeti Yönetimi

AHLEI course: This course lays the groundwork for a basic understanding of beverage service by explaining the beverage service process, describing the types of positions commonly found in beverage operations, and focusing on such beverages as beer, spirits, and wine. Included in the course are instructions on responsible alcohol service, supervisory techniques, and procedures for entry-level beverage service positions.

Popular Transfer Programs

Upgrade your Certificate to these programs by taking the following courses.

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