Negocios, Hospitalidad, Comercio Internacional, Gerencia de Proyectos, Tecnología de la Información y Gerencia de Redes Sociales
Diplomas y Certificados
Canadian College ofrece una variedad de Diplomas Estudia y Trabaja reconocidos internacionalmente.
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This is a St. Lawrence College curriculum delivered by Canadian College. In accordance with our
Ministry approved transition plan, we are no longer accepting applications for this program. All current students, including Jan 2023 enrolments, will receive two diplomas, one from St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Ontario, and another from Canadian College.
Diploma & Certificate Programs
Post-Grad and post secondary
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Canadian College trabaja de la mano con diferentes compañias que te ayudarán a obtener el más alto nivel educativo posible.
Asociados Académicos
Nuestros estudiantes se gradúan con las habilidades y calificaciones necesarias para su futura carrera.
Meet your English requirement by studying at CCEL.
Intensive English
Learn English In Vancouver With Students From All Over The World.
Explore healthcare, nursing, education, and business programs.
Contacta a Sebastian para ayudarte a planear tus estudios.
Provide students, staff and stakeholders with a learning experience that combines internationally recognized credentials with authentic standards of excellence.