General Arts & Science (Diploma) | Canadian College

General Arts & Science (Diploma)

This is a St. Lawrence College curriculum delivered by Canadian College. Students enrolled in these programs will receive two diplomas, one from St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Ontario, and another from Canadian College. In accordance with our Ministry approved transition plan, January 2023 will be the final enrollment for the dual credential program. Canadian College will continue offering programs using the SLC curriculum beyond January 2023 and we look forward to the next phase of our successful partnership.

Program Overview

The General Arts & Science Diploma provides a broad liberal arts curriculum that prepares students for the workforce, college programs, or transfer to university. Core courses provide a solid foundation in communications and interpersonal skills, computers, mathematics, analytical skills, science, and general education. Courses are chosen in consultation with the program coordinator, ensuring the right mix to meet each student’s interests and vocational goals.

Requisitos de Admisión

Secondary School Diploma including Math 11 and English 12, or equivalent. Student must meet one of the language requirements.

  • Canadian College of English Language Level 140, Pass with 60%.
  • St. Lawrence College ESL Advanced, Pass with 60%
  • IELTS 6.0 (minimum of 5.5 in each section)
*This program does not require approval by the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training. As such, PTIRU did not review this program.
Fall (Sept-Dec)

Full-time Study

Student may work 20hrs per week

Winter (Jan-Apr)

Full-time Study

Student may work 20hrs per week

Summer (May-Aug)


Students are able to work full-time  

Fall (Sept-Dec)

Full-time Study

Student may work 20hrs per week

Winter (Jan-Apr)

Full-time Study

Student may work 20hrs per week

Summer (May-Aug)


Students are able to work full-time  

Nota: Limited seats available. Contact us or apply online.

Estudia y Trabaja

Work Opportunities

Students registered in all programs at Canadian College are permitted to work part time 20hrs per week during study semesters. During the Summer, vacation students are permitted to work full time.

Oportunidades de Carreras

The General Arts & Science Diploma provides a broad liberal arts curriculum that prepares students for the workforce, college programs, or university. Core courses provide a solid foundation in communications and interpersonal skills, computers, mathematics, analytical skills, science, and general education.

Plan de Estudios

GAAS 100 Program Integration and Experiential Problem Solving I

In this preparatory course, students will begin integrating many of the skills learned from previous GAS courses in order to begin demonstrating integrated GAS Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) and the Essential Employability Skills (EES). Specifically, in this Pre-Capstone Course, students will explore case studies and be guided in identifying and articulating problems in communities, as well as outlining the implications of these problems. Students will work both collaboratively and independently to research a community of interest in order to identify a problem. By the end of the course, students should be focused on one problem in preparation for their subsequent Capstone Course.

GAAS 200 Program Integration and Experiential Problem Solving II

In this experiential and active-learning course, students will integrate many of the skills learned from previous GAS courses in order to demonstrate integrated program learning outcomes and essential employability skills. Specifically, in this Capstone Course, students will clearly identify and articulate a problem in a community; outline the implications of this problem, including potential stake-holders; gather data that accurately describes this problem; analyze and present their data; synthesize their research findings; and, coherently summarize and present a feasible solution.

GENE36 Introduction to Nutrition

This course enhances your knowledge and appreciation of the importance of nutrition to health and wellbeing and the connection between excess and deficient nutrient intake and ill health. Topics include the Canada Food Guide, the basic nutrients, the processes of digestion/absorption, nutrition related diseases, weight management, and food labels and nutrition information reliability. Students analyze their personal dietary intake and activity level and subsequently plan meal patterns that are conducive to personal health and weight management.

GENE 165 Intercultural Communication

This introductory course highlights the complex and dynamic components of cultural groups and their interactions. Students reflect on their own cultures and learn about others through various theoretical perspectives including Social Science, Interpretive Approach, and Critical Approach. Based on concepts of history, power, and identity, students learn how intercultural communication is affected by language, non-verbal communication, culture shock, popular culture, relationships, and conflict. Students discuss how these theories can be used to examine differences between cultures.

COMP 92 Business Computer Applications

This course is designed to familiarize the student with basic computer operations and applications through instructor-led exercises, activities, and case studies. It explores various concepts of effective computer usage with a hands-on introduction to the Windows operating system, file management, and working effectively and collaboratively in an online environment. It also provides in-depth exploration and application of various features of the current version of Microsoft Office software including Word, PowerPoint, and Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Excel is covered briefly in this course in relation to integration with the other Microsoft Office Suite products.

SOCI 10 Introductory Sociology

This course provides a general overview of human interaction in Canadian society. Students will become familiar with a variety of factors which affect group behaviour, and individual behaviour within the groups: factors such as cultural influences, socialization, norm beliefs, and values.

MATH 80 Introductory Business Mathematics

Introductory Business Math prepares students for success in business and financial mathematics. This course emphasizes the development of business-related numeracy and the fundamentals of the time value of money. Topics covered include basic numeracy, percent applications, payroll, tax, and time value of money.

COMM 110 Communications For College

This course is designed to help students develop and practice the communication skills needed to succeed in college and workforce environments. Emphasis is placed on improving foundational communication strategies--reading, writing, listening, and speaking--and on developing research and critical thinking skills.

COMM 42 Critical Thinking Skills

This course is designed to develop critical thinking skills and apply them to contemporary ethical issues. The development of critical thinking skills and ethical reasoning supports students in identifying, assessing, evaluating, and constructing logical and valid arguments. Students will apply these skills to ethical issues in workplace settings.

A selection of 3 additional courses from the following Advance Electives:

ADMN 1100 Supply Chain Management

This course provides the students with an opportunity to explore the field of operations and supply chain management. Students study the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing, procurement, conversion, and logistics management. The course also exposes students to theory regarding topics including Just-in-Time, lean management, risk management, utilization, inventory analysis and outsourcing/offshoring. The course addresses the importance of facility location and warehouse types that are used in today’s environment.

COMP 96 Business Application Modeling

This course expands on the student’s introductory level knowledge of spreadsheets and databases. Using Microsoft Excel, students learn advanced Excel features such as charts, logical functions, pivot tables, goal seek, data tables, macros, multiple worksheets, lists, look-up tables, and financial functions. The focus is on using advanced spreadsheet functions accurately and effectively to analyze problems that arise in business.

HUMA 1079 Organizational Behaviour

The study of organizational behaviour is the study of three separate, but interrelated, processes. The course begins with the study of individual behaviour in organizations, including such topics as perception, attitudes and work motivation. The study of group dynamics is also addressed, including such topics as team building, leadership, and decision-making. Finally the course explores the study of organizational structure, culture and change.

HUMA 76 Culture, Leadership, and Management

In this course, students explore theoretical frameworks related to leadership, culture, and management in order support the successful development or organizations. Through self-reflection, students evolve their own leadership practice and identify opportunities for continued growth. Students practice leading coaching conversations and develop strategies for effective mentorship and mentee relationships. Students analyze situations in order to contribute successfully to change initiatives and support the development of an organizational culture that values diversity and equity

MARK 102 Entrepreneurship

This course introduces students to the attributes, skills, tools, and knowledge that is required to become a successful entrepreneur, or to excel in an entrepreneurial type of organization. Emphasis will be placed on developing the competencies required to be able to critically evaluate potential business opportunities, create appropriate strategies to meet identified needs, develop a comprehensive business plan including an operating budget, source and evaluate available financing alternatives, establish the enterprise, and manage its growth and development.

MARK 19 Marketing Research

This course is designed to provide the senior Marketing student with an in-depth knowledge of marketing research practice and procedure. Major components of the course include an overview of the research process, sample selection and design, data collection procedures, analyses and interpretation of data. Theoretical course content is supplemented by a major research project which immerses the student in the practical application of marketing research skills.

MARK 2 Professional Selling

This introductory course is designed to help students develop persuasive communication skills, build self-confidence in making presentations and provide you with a sound grounding in the field of professional selling. Even if you have decided against a selling career, it should be recognized that the principles of professional selling are essential to most career oriented or entrepreneurial opportunities.

A selection of 2 additional courses from the following Education Electives:

GENE 114 Professional Effectiveness

This course is designed to enhance student success by helping students make the transition to higher learning. As such, the course recognizes the strengths and contributions of all learners. Through individual and group activities and exercises, students will discover more awareness of their individual learning styles and strengths. Challenges to learning will be addressed and resources for coping with these challenges will be provided.

GENE 130 Society, Culture and Globalization

This course explores some of the major impacts of globalization on modern society. The effect on society of far-reaching global influences such as politics, history, cultural issues, and uneven resource distribution is discussed. Topics of study include the legacy of colonialism and decolonization, the construction of the Canadian national identity and how it has evolved through cycles of immigration and growing cultural awareness, and the impact of the loss of manufacturing, deindustrialization, and new cultures of commerce.

GENE 25 Film Studies

This course is designed to enhance knowledge and appreciation of the greatest twentieth century art form. Students learn about the history of film, how films are made, how the movie industry operates, and how to appreciate and analyze films. The course is essential for anyone who wants to develop a lifelong joy for movie watching whether it is on DVD or the big screen.

GENE 29 Global Issues

This course provides understanding and knowledge about world-wide events to help the student better understand our changing world. Topics of study include population issues, global economics, medial issues, war and terrorism, human rights, world health, and the United Nations and World Government. Solutions for problems of inflation, unemployment, peace, and security are discussed from global perspective.

GENE 3 Art History and Appreciation

This course provides an overview of art history, mostly of Western civilizations, from prehistory to contemporary times. You are guided through an investigation of illustration and the materials and methods of artists, art terminology and issues of evaluating included. The underlying goal is to increase your enjoyment of art through informed exploration.

GENE 302 Introduction to Personal Finance

This course provides an overview of the personal financial planning process. Students are introduced to the basic elements of resource allocation to achieve personal and financial goals. Course content includes cash management and budgeting, risk management and insurance, estate and tax planning, investments planning and asset allocation, and retirement planning.

GENE 305 21st Century Canada

Canada is a country of profound cultural complexity. What does it mean to be Canadian? What is the Canadian culture? These questions are at the heart of Canada’s elusive identity. This course focuses on a number of key elements that have shaped Canada as it is known in the 21st century. More specifically, special attention is placed on historical influences such as the impact of indigenous, American and European cultures. This course also explores how the Canadian culture defines itself through political values and pop culture institutions such as humour, sports, music, cuisine and more.

GENE 48 Multiculturalism in Society

This course will set in motion the exploration of one’s own values and biases with regard to cultural diversity. The course will enable students to better understand similarities and differences among ethnic groups which in turn will help them to appreciate the uniqueness of our own society. Topics as multiculturalism policy, education, racism and current issues will be examined.

GENE 57 Personal Stress Management

This course allows students to plan and implement effective stress management strategies in their personal lives. Students develop an informed understanding of the nature of stress and the stress response including causes, signs and symptoms, effects and impact. The course also focuses on the development of skills to reduce the negative impact of stress and to redirect inevitable stressors to improve health and well-being. Students analyze the impact of stress in their own lives and apply stress management strategies by designing, implementing, and evaluating a personal wellness plan.

A selection of 10 additional Electives

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