Career Services | Canadian College

Canadian Collegeのキャリアサービス








Canadian Collegeでは、週替わりのワークショップを提供しています。

Workshop Schedule


Canadian Collegeのキャリアサービスチームは、就職活動やその準備に向けて、ガイダンスや適切なサポートを提供しています。

  • 履歴書の作成、添削
  • インタビュースキル
  • キャリアカウンセリング
  • プロフェッショナリズムトレーニング
  • カバーレターの作成、添削
  • インタビューの練習
  • 仕事の探し方
  • ビジネスライティング




  • 小売業
  • セールス、マーケティング
  • 大小規模のビジネス
  • More...


  • レストラン
  • ホテル
  • イベント、ツーリズム
  • More...


  • 物流
  • サプライチェーン
  • セールス、資材調達
  • More...


  • コンピューターテクニシャン
  • テクニカルサポート
  • ネットワークサポート
  • More...


  • イベント企画
  • 建設業界
  • 小売業
  • More...


  • マーケティング
  • 広告
  • 広報活動
  • More...

Hiring Partner

Employers and Industry Partners

Are you an employer interested in hiring a Canadian College student?

Our students work at a wide variety of businesses from brick-and-mortar shops, start-up ventures, worldwide hotel chains to giant corporations such as Amazon. Contact us below with a brief introduction to your business and a description of possible positions.

Frequently asked questions

add_circle How do I start looking for a job?

There are many steps to finding a job. From developing a professional resume to finding the right opportunity, Career Services at Canadian College are here to help. Please contact one of our advisors if you have any questions.

add_circle What is the co-op?

The co-op program allows students to gain Canadian work experience related to the courses they are studying and usually starts after their second semester of classes. This is to effectively arm them with the soft skill and tools necessary for a quality co-op experience with a Canadian organization. The combination of solid studies and real-world work experience provides the necessary tools and training students need for their future careers.

add_circle Can I work anywhere I want for my co-op?

No, jobs for the co-op need to be related to the program you are studying. Please talk with one of our advisors to see if a job could be used for a co-op.

add_circle How do I start my co-op?

Co-ops must be approved by Canadian College before you start. Please talk to Career Service for more information.

add_circle Does Canadian College help me find a job?

Students will find a job to be used for their co-op placement, and Career Services are here to provide support for every step of the job search process. Also, Career Services will occasionally share opportunities with students via email and can provide unique support based on the student’s background and career goals. Please talk to Career Service for more information.

add_circle Do I need a SIN number to work? How do I get one?

Students must have a Social Insurance Number (SIN) to be able to work in Canada. You can apply for one at a Service Canada Centre or online.For more information, please click here

add_circle How many hours am I supposed to work for my co-op?

Depending on your program, the co-op is either 300 hours, 500 hours, 750 hours or 1000 hours. To complete the co-op, students need at least 80% of their co-op hours.

add_circle Can I work part time during Co-op semesters?

Yes, students can work off-campus for up to 20 hours per week during the whole program period.

add_circle What happens if I cannot find a co-op in time?

Please talk to Career Services as soon as possible. We can help create a plan for your specific situation.

add_circle Useful links to help you get started

Ask an Expert

Contact Adam to help you plan your career.
