Trade Management & Co-op (Certificate) | Canadian College


這項學程設計給追求國際貿易相關領域職位的學生。課程讓學生了解如何在產業管理及運作一間公司,6個月實習則提供有價值的工作經驗。完成3門FITT的課程及評估後(學程的部分),學生將可榮獲FITT證書(學校與FITT,即Forum for International TradeTraining為夥伴關係)。


  • 加拿大学院贸易管理证书+实习
  • FITT证书(取决于完成的选修课)


Canadian College has partnered with the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT) to offer the FITT skills program. FITT is Canada’s most trusted professional certification authority dedicated to providing international business training programs and related professional designation (CITP®|FIBP®) . FITT international business training solutions have become the standard of excellence for global trade professionals across Canada and around the world. The FITT Certified International Trade Professional (CITP®|FIBP®) designation is the world’s leading professional designation for global business practitioners.


FITTskills is a highly practical, hands-on series of courses that focus on the fundamental aspects of international business. Upon successful completion of three (3) FITT courses and assessments as part of our FITT certificate program, students will be awarded a FITT certificate.


  • High school diploma/completion certificate or equivalent. If the applicant has not completed secondary school and is at least 19 years of age, they may apply as a mature student. 
  • English Language Requirements

Start dates:

Apr 07
Jul 07
Oct 06
Jan 05
Apr 06
Jul 06
Oct 05
Jan 04
52 Weeks(1000 Hours, 12 Months)
FITT Certificate

*This program has been approved by the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.

*This program does not lead to an occupation that is regulated.

学期 1



学期 2



学期 3



学期 4



Note: 每个学期为12周,学期间有1周假期。


As students return to their home country, the combination of a Western Canadian Certificate or Diploma and Co-op is not only a competitive advantage, but also allows students the opportunity to understand and experience the cultural and business nuances that can only be gained from a prolonged hands-on experience.


The TMC Co-op is an integral component of the Trade Management Certificate program as it provides students with essential real-world work experience in a Canadian English-speaking environment. The Co-op is designed to provide the students with two semesters of solid studies in their initial entry to the college. This is to effectively arm them with soft skill tools necessary for a quality six months (500 hrs) Co-op within a Canadian organization.


Career opportunities keep expanding, in virtually every industry, as the global marketplace continues to develop. Graduates will have the opportunity to work in a broad range of International Trade occupations.

  • Sales & Procurement
  • Logistics
  • 財金
  • Trade & Investment
  • International Affairs

Hiring Partner

Career Services at Canadian College

Our goal is to help the students at Canadian College gain the skills needed to be competitive in Canada’s job market and gain real world career experience. We pride ourselves in providing student centric support to help meet each individual’s specific goals. Please contact one of our advisors anytime for questions and support.


CC 101 - Accounting 1

This course introduces financial accounting concepts. Students learn the double-entry accounting system, including the preparation of financial statements, closing entries, internal controls for cash and payroll accounting.

CC 100 - Business Math

This is a fundamental course in business mathematics. Topics covered include mathematics of merchandising, simple interest, compound interest, annuities, loan amortization, and cost-volume-profit analysis. This course is designed to encourage students to develop mathematical skills and abilities by applying them to common business situations. Regardless of his or her prior math experiences, this course will enhance the learner's ability to use mathematics to solve problems and make sound decisions from both a career and personal perspective.

CC 130 - Operations Management 1

This course introduces the learner to the operations management profession. An operations manager is concerned with the planning, decision-making and actions required to produce and deliver the organization’s goods and/or services, as opposed to marketing its products, managing its human resources or accounting for its finances. Operations managers work in virtually all enterprises – manufacturing, service, government, for-profit and not-for-profit. Operations managers work in many parts of the organization, including Purchasing and Supply Chain, Inventory Management, Quality Management, Scheduling, Transportation and Logistics, and Front-line Supervision to name a few.

CC 141 - Marketing 1

Designed to provide the student with an overview of the marketing concept and how it can be applied to any type of organization or service. Students also learn how key marketing concepts, principles, and theories can help marketers make effective decisions. Specifically the knowledge and understanding which are needed to assess product, price, promotion and distribution options, and to make marketing mix recommendations for specific target markets.

CC 501 - Business Law

This course presents the basic legal principles of carrying out international business. It covers the legal implications of international business activities, discusses the legal aspects related to intellectual property, contract liability and responsibility, competition and antitrust laws, public trade law and legal issues related to E-commerce in international business. This is course that will bridge the gap between government systems, civil liability and profits.

CC 140 - Communications

This introductory communications course emphasizes the development of reading, writing, listening and speaking business communication skills at a college level. Students write for various purposes and audiences and deliver short presentations to small groups. Students research, analyze, summarize and document information. Students self and peer evaluate written documents and oral presentations. Through reading, media response and discussion exercises, students improve their communication skills. Communicating in diverse teams and across cultures is emphasized.

COMM210 - Intercultural Communication

This course prepares students to meet the challenges of intercultural business communication. Success in international business requires understanding and sensitivity in order to navigate the various differences one will encounter in a multi-cultural setting. From contrasting values and etiquette, to differences in language and non-verbal communication, students will develop the awareness and skills to transcend such differences within a multicultural environment, both international and domestic. Through assignments, readings and in-class discussion, students will gain the practical knowledge and skills for a variety of communication-based tasks, from cross-cultural negotiation to effective business correspondence.

FITT 275 - Feasibility of International Trade


PPD 100 - Success in the Classroom

This is a first semester course that provides students with the tools they need for academic success. The course offers skills to help students with the transition to post-secondary education, to help them learn how to be a successful student and to make the most of their learning experience.

PPD 150 - Success in the Workplace

This course focuses on preparing students for the Canadian workplace, either in their future career or the work-integrated learning component of their Canadian College program. Students will examine their own career goals as well as topics such as safety, time management, and critical thinking, in order to help them transition into and succeed within a Canadian work environment.

PPD 200 - Business Computers 1

This course is the first part of an introduction to the computer skills required in business today. It provides the student with an introduction to computer file management and Microsoft Word.

PPD 250 - Business Computers 2

This course will introduce and further develop Microsoft Excel skills that the student will need use in subsequent semesters and in the business world. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to prepare tables and graphs, use input fields, understand and be able to use Microsoft Excel insert functions and specialized functions. These functions include goal seeking, solver and data analysis.

Choose two of the following elective courses depending upon availability.

FITT 205 - Products and Services for a Global Market

FITT課程: 在面向全球市場的產品和服務課程當中,學生將學習如何使產品和服務適應國際市場上規範,法律,文化和消費者/顧客要求的差異性。分析這些差異如何影響成本,產品設計,包裝,標籤,產品測試和服務交付,進而去制定相對的策略,這是在任何國際目標市場上取得長期成功的關鍵。

FITT 220 - International Trade Finance


FITT 260 - International Sales and Marketing


FITT 265 - International Market Entry Strategies


FITT 270 - Global Value Chain


FOREX 101 - Introduction to Foreign Exchange

An Introduction giving a basic understanding on how the Foreign Exchange Market works with the trading of currency pairs, using the study of various techniques and rule based structures to buy and sell currencies.

Popular Transfer Programs

Upgrade your Certificate to these programs by taking the following courses.


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