Computer Networking and Technical Support (Diploma) | Canadian College

Computer Networking and Technical Support (Diploma)

This is a St. Lawrence College curriculum delivered by Canadian College. In accordance with our Ministry approved transition plan, we are no longer accepting applications for this program. All current students, including Jan 2023 enrolments, will receive two diplomas, one from St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Ontario, and another from Canadian College.

Program Overview

Success in the field of IT requires an ongoing commitment to update one’s skills in the rapidly changing industry. In this program, students will acquire the expertise and practical skills to support the use of computers and networks in many facets of our daily lives. Graduates are able to work individually or as a team to implement and maintain IT solutions to meet the day-to-day requirements of individuals and organizations. Students will receive hands-on training in computer hardware, software installation, scripting procedures, diagnostics, maintenance, user support, and more.

Requisitos de admissão

Secondary School Diploma including Math 11 and English 12, or equivalent. Student must meet one of the language requirements

  • Canadian College of English Language Level 140, Pass with 60%.
  • St. Lawrence College ESL Advanced, Pass with 60%
  • IELTS 6.0 (minimum of 5.5 in each section)
  • TOEFL CBT 213 , TOEFL IBT 78
2 Years (4 Study Semesters)

*This program has been approved by the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.

*This program does not lead to an occupation that is regulated.

Fall (Sept-Dec)


15 semanas

Winter (Jan-Apr)


15 semanas

Summer (May-Aug)


Os alunos são capazes de trabalhar em tempo integral

Fall (Sept-Dec)


15 semanas

Winter (Jan-Apr)


15 semanas

Summer (May-Aug)


Os alunos são capazes de trabalhar em tempo integral

Nota: os alunos podem começar no início do semestre de outono ou inverno.

Estudo e Trabalho

Oportunidades de Trabalho

Students registered in all programs at Canadian College are permitted to work part time 20hrs per week during study semesters. During the Summer vacation students are permitted to work full time.

Oportunidades de carreira

Prospects for both employment and advancement in the Information Technology industry are excellent. Over the past few years, the demand for IT professionals in Canada has doubled as baby boomers opt for retirement. CN&TS graduates are employed in:

  • Hardware/software support
  • Network administration
  • Help desk support
  • Internet resource management
  • Network support and installation
  • Network design


COMM 4 Business Technical Writing

This course will give you the foundation skills to produce documentation e.g. technical instructions, definitions, summaries, technical system descriptions, and manuals common in the workplace. Writing to inform readers to understand requires document design skills that differ from traditional writing skills. You are responsible for developing your vocabulary, basic grammar, spelling, graphic awareness and reading strategies to power your career.

Networking 1

In this course, students are introduced to network terminology, network media and hardware as well as various topologies and architectures. Students explore the functionality and set up of simple and complex Network operations, Ethernet, Protocols and Network Operating Systems. Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) are discussed and the enterprise and distributed network technology (Internet) are introduced. Students develop foundational networking skills using theoretical and practical approaches to understanding protocols, network architecture and troubleshooting techniques.

COMP 205 HTML/Web Development

This course provides an introduction to web development using HTML. CSS and JavaScript. XHTML 1.1 standard) to create web pages, and to link multiple web pages together. You will also learn how to control the layout and style of web pages using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and to make your web pages interactive using JavaScript. course you will complete a sequence of assignments designed to familiarize you with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

COMP 1100 Introduction to C++ Programming

This course provides an introduction to programming using the C++ language. The course introduces the syntax and usage of C++. A disciplined approach to program development and to producing readable programs is emphasized. Topics covered include: variables, data types, assignment/arithmetic, input/output, repetition, selection, arrays and file output.

COMP 1111 Introduction to Databases

This course begins with an overview of Microsoft Excel, and then focuses on Microsoft Access. It introduces the student to database design and one to many relationships. The student will build multiple tables, queries, multiple forms and custom reports. The student will understand and implement calculations and aggregate functions.

MATH 8 Introductory Computer Mathematics

This course begins with a review of operations within number sets to prepare you to solve equations and to convert among number systems.

COMP 30 Computer Hardware Systems

This course is an introduction to the interaction between hardware and software. Students study the functions of and interactions between major hardware components in computer systems. The relationship among system software, application software and data is included in an explanation of how a computer system works. Students develop the skills necessary to properly use and care for a personal computer from outside the case will be covered.

COMP 83 Linux 1

This course is designed to teach students the fundamental concepts of the Linux Operating System. Students are introduced to the essentials of Linux in terms basic Linux operation, command line, configuration, and maintenance. This course emphasizes the development of students’ skills in operating, running, and maintaining Linux systems. Topics include administration of common tasks such as User and Group management, File System management, package management as well as System Performance monitoring and troubleshooting.

COMP 1201 Database Concepts and Techniques

COMP1201 is a database course emphasizing concepts and techniques. The student will work with the advanced features of Microsoft Access. The student will study table design and relationships and create advanced queries and forms. Students will then turn their focus to MySQL creating databases and tables. The student will write code to retrieve, update and add data to a MySQL database.

COMP 3014 Networking 2

This course will teach the student new terminology and the fundamental concepts of data and voice communications from business point of view. Data communications concepts are illustrated by study of Media, Equipment and Data Transmission, Modulation, Synchronisation and Error management. Student will learn basic network concepts, network ownership and distributing systems as well as MAN and WAN from business point of view. Electronic commerce, B2B initiative and the Electronic Data Interchange will be introduced. This course builds on students' introductory knowledge of networking concepts to develop their competency in switching and routing technologies. Students learn the detailed operation of Ethernet technologies and advanced network switch configuration. Internetworking concepts are mastered, and students learn how to implement various routing schemes on network devices. Techniques for troubleshooting network issues area explored. The role and configuration of ancillary network devices, such as firewalls and load balancers, is introduced.

COMP 82 MS Client Operating System

This course is an expansion on basic user knowledge of a Windows Operating System environment for students enrolled in the two-year Computer Networking program. The course will explore architecture of Windows 7. Students will learn to install and configuration the OS. The booting process as well as various System Utilities will be covered. The course will concentrate on System Management, Administration, File Systems, shares and file securities. Students will also be introduced to different Network Protocols and a client site of the Remote Access Services (RAS). Various Windows 7 components, printing and performance tuning and monitoring will be learned. The practical experience of all covered subjects will be gained in labs.

COMM 34 Introduction to College Communications

Introduction to College Communications provides instruction and practice in college and workplace communication skills, with an emphasis on the development of strategies to organize and express ideas in a clear and professional manner. Emails, memos, letters, short reports, and essays are used to develop effective writing skills suitable to a variety of audiences. Course work also provides opportunities for the development of students’ grammar, research, analytical, reading and listening skills. American Psychological Association (APA) format and documentation is introduced.

COMP 66 OS Scripting

The aim of this course is to introduce the use of Perl as a scripting language to build simple, yet effective tools to automate standard administration tasks. The student will be introduced to the types of systems that they may encounter, the tasks they will be required to perform, and the skills they will need to build upon in order to be effective problem solving. This course develops students' ability to programmatically manage computer systems. This includes both automating tasks and using programmatic tools to diagnose and resolve operating system level issues. Building on introductory programming experience, this course introduces scripting languages that are optimized for operating system management. On completion of this course, students can effectively manage heterogeneous computer system environments using the languages taught.

COMP 67 Technical Support Procedures

This course provides students with the skills required to provide technical support to end users. Students master troubleshooting skills using critical thinking, industry best practices, research, and system utilities. Processes for supporting the enterprise computing environment are introduced and rehearsed familiarizing students with contemporary service desk practices. Students also become familiar with applications used to administer computer systems at scale.

COMP 68 Linux 2

In this course, students develop advanced knowledge of and skills in administering the Linux Operating System. Students discuss Linux Administration in terms of installation, configuration, and maintenance. This course focuses on administration, running, and maintenance of Linux Server environments including but not limited to the configuration of DHCP, DNS, CUPS, and FTP.

COMP 223 Networking 3

In this course students will explore the process of securing a networked environment. Students will work on network mapping and enumeration to identify services and potential vulnerabilities on their network. Students will document their network and found vulnerabilities and then attempt to exploit them. This course will also explore ways to mitigate the found vulnerabilities to maintain a secure computing environment.

COMP 230 PC Hardware & Software

This course is designed to teach the student to work inside a microcomputer system with supervision. A hands-on approach will be used to provide the student with a basic skill level to work on a computer with the lid off. Recognition and solution of common problems including the replacement or upgrading of components will be addressed

GENE 60 Topics in the Contemporary Workplace

This course is designed to help students adapt to the rapidly changing workplace. It provides an historical overview of our working society and how it has evolved. Issues such as employment equity, harassment, regulation of health and safety, unionization, professional organizations and codes of ethics are discussed. Students also identify strategies to meet the needs of current employers and to make interview processes work to their advantage.

COMP 163 Practical Experience

In this course, students apply practical skills from throughout the program to a simulated work environment related to the field of Computer Networking and Technical Support (CNTS). All CNTS students work on projects that simulate common tasks encountered by employees of a Help Desk, Hardware Support, Network Installation, Network Administration, etc. Students remain under the guidance of faculty and are required to meet at regularly scheduled times for review. This course is offered in the fourth semester of the CNTS program. This is a core course and allows students to apply a variety of skills from throughout the program to situations encountered in a simulated work environment.

Cloud Computing 2

This course is designed to teach students concepts of virtualization and containerization. Students study and apply techniques to setup, manage and maintain a scalable, redundant and secure cloud computing environment. This course focuses on understanding the difference between, when to use, and how to apply both virtualization and containerization in a cloud environment.

COMP 213 Windows server

In this course, students develop competency in managing the Windows Server operating system. Students learn the installation/provisioning, configuration, and operation of Windows Server. Specific technologies including Identify and Authentication Management, Network Services, Resource Sharing, Storage Services, Security, and Monitoring are taught to an in-depth level.

PROG 330 Advanced PC Hardware

This course addresses the necessary guidelines and procedures for identifying and solving, in a support role, most microcomputer hardware and software problems. The ability to work on your own to acquire and develop these skills will be emphasized.

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