Hospitality Marketing & Sales with Coop (Certificate) | Canadian College

Hospitality Marketing & Sales with Coop (Certificate)

This program is designed for students interested in pursuing careers in marketing and sales within the hospitality industry. A selection of courses over 12 weeks gives students an understanding of some of the administrative needs of a company in the hospitality industry and will give students the tools necessary to succeed in the field and a 12-week co-op provides valuable work experience in the field.


  • Canadian College Hospitality Marketing & Sales Certificate
  • AHLEI Hospitality Marketing & Sales Certificate

Podmienky Prijatia

  • High School Diploma, High School Completion Certificate, or equivalent.
  • Students must meet one of the following language requirements: Canadian College English Placement test 125; Smrt English 125; IELTS 5.0 overall with a minimum score of 4.5 in each section; TOEFL iBT 45; CAEL 40; PTE 29; Duolingo 80; EIKEN 2.
  • Meet your English requirement by studying on campus at the Canadian College of English Language.

Important Update: Following the amendments to the BC Private Training Regulation (PTR), starting January 2025, English requirements for all Canadian College programs will be raised to an IELTS 5.5 level. Canadian College Online English Placement Test will no longer be accepted in 2025. The list of acceptable English tests and required scores will be updated on this website as soon as it is approved by Private Training Institution Branch (PTIB).

Start dates:

Jan 06
Apr 07
Jul 07
Oct 06
Jan 05
Apr 06
Jul 06
Oct 05
Jan 04
26 Weeks (600 Hours, 6 months)
3 months work experience
AHLEI Certificate
*This program has been approved by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.
Semester 1


12 týždňov

Semester 2


12 týždňov

Poznámka: Každý semester trvá 12 týždňov a po každom semestri je týždeň prázdnin.

Štúdium & Práca

As students return to their home country, the combination of a Western Canadian Diploma and Co-op is not only a competitive advantage, but also allows students the opportunity to understand and experience the cultural and business nuances that can only be gained from a prolonged hands-on experience.


The Co-op is an integral component of the Hospitality Marketing and Sales Certificate program with Co-op as it provides students with essential real-world work experience in a Canadian English speaking business environment. The Co-op is designed to provide the students with one semester of solid studies in their initial entry to the college. This is to effectively arm them with soft skill tools necessary for a quality three months (300 Hours) Co-op with a Canadian organization.

Kariérne príležitosti

The hospitality industry is a rapidly growing market and job opportunities, as well as salaries, are steadily increasing in all sectors of this service-oriented field. Students learn the knowledge and skills that industry professionals have identified as important for on-the-job success. Completion of Canadian College Hospitality Management Certificate with Co-op usually gain employment at the skilled entry-level positions from which progress can be made to management positions.

  • Hotel
  • Food Services
  • Tourism
  • Event Management

Career Services at Canadian College

Our goal is to help the students at Canadian College gain the skills needed to be competitive in Canada’s job market and gain real world career experience. We pride ourselves in providing student centric support to help meet each individual’s specific goals. Please contact one of our advisors anytime for questions and support.

Učebný plán

CC 140 - Obchodná Komunikácia

Kurz je úvodom do komunikácie a kladie dôraz na rozvoj čítania, písania, počúvania a rozprávania v obchodnej komunikácii. Študent sa naučí ako písať pre rôzne účely, naučí sa ako robiť prezentácie a prednášať pred malou skupinou ľudí. Výskum, analýza, zhrnutie a dokumentácia informácii je súčasťou kurzu. Študenti sa budú navzájom hodnotiť pri písomnej a ústnej prezentácii a zdokonalia svoje komunikačné schopnosti prostredníctvom rôznych cvičení. Veľký dôraz sa kladie na komunikáciu v tíme a medzi rôznymi kultúrami.

CC 250 - Riadenie v hotelierstve

Cieľom kurzu je naučiť študenta správnemu porozumeniu efektívnej komunikácie, zodpovednosti vedenia, orientácie a zácviku, riadenia produktivity a kontroly pracovných nákladov, hodnotenia a školenia, disciplíny, špeciálnych záležitostí vedenia, teambuildingu, motivácie, a riešenia konfliktu.

HOSP 261 Basic Hotel Accounting

AHLEI course: Provides a basis for understanding hospitality accounting concepts and procedures, the processing of hospitality financial data, and the flow of financial information in the accounting cycle that results in the production of financial statements.

CC 374 - Revenue Management

AHLEI kurz: Kurz poskytuje študentovi základné znalosti o procese riadenia príjmov. Zaoberá sa správnym používaním a dôležitosťou takéhoto riadenia v hotelierskom odvetví a opisuje celý rad prvkov, ktoré musia byť brané do úvahy za účelom efektívneho využívania správy príjmov.

CC 472 - Predaj & Marketing

AHLEI kurz: Na dnešnom trhu je nevyhnutné poznať stratégie marketingu a predaja. Tento kurz poskytuje študentovi pevné základy v marketingu a predaji. Hlavný dôraz sa kladie na praktické techniky predaja s cieľom dostať sa na trh.

CC 478 - Convention Management

Definuje rozsah a segmentáciu konvencie a skupinového podnikania na trhu, opisuje marketingové a predajné stratégie a stratégie ako prilákať zákazníkov so špeciálnymi potrebami, ďalej vysvetľuje techniky na uspokojenie týchto potrieb.

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